Last played games
Decision 2 10x10! Plus
Decision 2
Did you get to the next town, which is besieged by enemy units. Try to do it all. More kept their weapons and ni?te is. Don't let any enemies that have gone through up to you and killed you. Hold on i...
Aqua Blitz 10x10! Plus
Aqua Blitz
Perfektně zpracovaná logická hra z prostředí podvodního světa. Je pro vás přichystáno celkem 10 náročných úrovní a v každé z nich máte za úkol pospojovat veškeré trojice živočichů. Jen tak je dokážete...
Kris Kros 10x10! Plus
Kris Kros
The Czech variations of the famous game of Scrabble. From the bag finger letters, the original of these words and you're trying to get more points than the opponent. Play against real opponents and sh...
Seedling 10x10! Plus
You play as a kid who has just suddenly appeared in front of the house. Knows of no reason why this has happened, but knows that it is very important to have this house defended themselves. This house...
Tachion 10x10! Plus
Here we have a slightly different game where you have to tee off of your ball by using a flap. Surely, you know a similar game from your computer. Try to collect scores and odrážejte from the colors t...
3D Tilt 10x10! Plus
3D Tilt
Try not to in today's game to get the ball into the holes, which it transports you to the next level. Naklápějte the whole of the playing area and try to do everything in your power. We believe that y...
Cosmic 10x10! Plus
Prolétáte the universe with your spacecraft, which is constantly shoots. Your task is to shoot our way to the end and continue in the other levels. Watch your health and energy in the plane. You will ...

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  • 15

Pohybujte se po hrací ploše a požírejte veškeré barevné kuličky. Ve chvíli, kdy dosáhnete další úrovně, tak se koule zase zmenší. Najděte způsob, jak se dostat co nejdále a získejte dostatečně vysoké skóre. Věříme, že to zvládnete.

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Viewed 9853x | Published 17.10.2017
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